Tuesday, September 24, 2019

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Hi everyone. Many people asking me about flashing custom iOS firmware with patched Setup.app and I decided to make experiment and verify it. In theory you can flash modified firmware and unlock device using patched firmware. If you read instructions to modify firmware it sounds like it should works.

I got decryption keys and modified it by myself, and always got error 14 while trying to flash it to iPhone 5. First idea of problem is that it encrypted incorrectly or maybe used different file structure. I decided to make simple experiment that will makes understand is it even possible to flash not modified, but custom firmware.

I added 1 byte to the end of iOS firmware dmg file and verified that filesystem structure is easy to decrypt and unpack, so it not damaged after modification. So I was sure that iOS device will unpack it without errors and it 100% valid firmware. Finally I tried to flash it, but always get error 14 via iTunes, and also tried Pangu and other ways to flash firmware.




It makes understand that flashing firmware works this way:

  • iTunes or any app just uploading unpacked firmware files to iOS device.
  • iTunes send command to device “start flash”.
  • iOS device verify files itself and validate checksums.
  • If checksum is correct than firmware being flashed, if no, than failed.

In fact there is no difference between any software that flash iOS firmware. They are doing same thing, just upload it to device and send command “start flash”. It makes understand that modification of iTunes or other application that flash firmware will never helps.

It really hard to debug and find out how iOS make and verify hashsum because need access to device memory, but it should be protected by RSA key and not possible to generate own valid hash.

Result: flashing custom firmware using only filesystem decryption keys is not possible. So don’t spend time to flash custom firmware.

Restore Custom IPSW to iPhone/iPad without iTunes Using Tenorshare ReiBoot

Restoring custom IPSW to iPhone, iPad with iTunes may risk the data loss, and the whole process is pretty complicated. Even worse, if you misoperated, the device will possibly get bricked. To easily and safely restore the custom IPSW, here we will introduce an alternate way—using a powerful custom IPSW restore tool Tenorshare ReiBoot, which stands out for its ability to restore/fix/ downgrade operating system without fearing of data loss in a couple of clicks.
Now follow the steps below and learn how to download and install custom IPSW without iTunes
iOS firmware without iTunes for your iOS 11.2.1/11.2/11 iPhone.
Get Tenorshare ReiBoot downloaded and installed on your computer, then launch it.

 Step 1. After you launch Tenorshare ReiBoot Pro, connect your iOS device to computer with USB cable. Click "Fix All iOS Stuck" section in the main interface.

 Step 2: Then click on Browse button to import the previously stored custom IPSW files. Click "Download" button to start importing the firmware package

Step 3: After all these, you can start updating your device or repair your operating system.
This is all about how to restore custom IPSW without iTunes 2018. Is this helpful for you? If you think this post is really workable for you, please do not hesitate to share it with your friends.